Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Motifator masa kini

Pembicara Terbaik
Tung Desem Waringin adalah Pelatih Sukses No. 1 di Indonesia (Majalah Marketing) dan masuk dalam salah satu tokoh The Most Powerful People & Ideas in Business 2005 (Majalah SWA). Sebagai pembicara, Tung Desem Waringin telah berbicara lebih dari 100,000 orang di Dunia
Beliau Pernah berkarir di BCA dengan prestasi sebagai berikut:
1.Hasil Audit terbaik di Indonesia
2.Pertumbuhan Kartu ATM terbesar di Indonesia
3.Pertumbuhan Kartu Kredit terbesar di Indonesia
4.Pemulihan kembali pertama BCA pada saat di Rush tahun 1998
5.Tingkat mati mesin ATM terendah di Indonesia
Kini setiap Rabu 17.00 sore, beliau menjadi pengasuh acara "SmartWealth" yang disiarkan radio SMART FM serentak di 7 kota Indonesia. Dan di waktu senggangnya beliau menjadi kolumnis rubrik "Road To Be Wealthy" di Majalah Warta Bisnis.
Beliau Pernah mengisi acara "Bincang Pagi" di Metro TV dengan topik "Bagaimana merevolusi hidup". Mengisi Clip Tips Robert T. Kiyosaki di Metro TV.
Sebagai Konsultan perusahaan beliau berhasil meningkatkan pendapatan dari sebuah Media Iklan Gratis di Jakarta sebesar 16 kali lipat dalam waktu 1 bulan. Meningkatkan 100% penjualan di "MANET" Toko Busana Muslim di Tanah Abang. Meningkatkan 100% Aset Bank Lestari di Jl. Teuku Umar 121 Denpasar Bali & 2.000% kredit sepeda motornya di Bali. Serta berhasil meningkatkan penjualan rata2 sebesar 40% dari total 9.800 Sales dari Columbia Elektronik dan Furnitur, hanya dalam sebulan setelah training dilakukan. Sales shampoo Selsun naik 200%. Membuat Perusahaan Properti Coldwell Banker Sigit Tangerang Menjadi Top Office selama 3 Bulan berturut - turut, penjualan di Millenium Handphone & Accessories naik 500%. Meningkatkan penjualan Gapura Prima Group (The Bellezza, Bellagio) 400% hanya dalam waktu 1 bulan setelah training dilakukan.
Terpilih menjadi "10 Eksekutif 2003" versi Lions Club Surabaya Patria dan Jawa Pos Group.
Terpilih oleh Museum Rekor Indonesia ( MURI) sebagai Penulis Buku Inspirasional Pertama Financial Revolution di Indonesia yang penjualannya melebihi 10.511 exemplar pada hari pertama peredarannya.
Pembicara Terbaik di Indonesia, Motivator Terheboh & Pelatih Sukses No.1 di Indonesia Versi Majalah Marketing.
Terpilih Sebagai The Most Powerful People In Business 2005 Versi Majalah SWA
Sebagai Konsultan pribadi, Beliau membantu merubah orang menjadi percaya diri, menyembuhkan orang trauma, phobia, bulimia, menghentikan kebiasaan merokok, membantu orang gemuk menjadi langsing, membuat breakthrough sukses mulai dari anak petani sampai anak mantan Presiden Indonesia, dari lulusan SD sampai lulusan Doktor, juga Top Eksekutif dan Selebritis. Untuk hal ini Beliau ditempatkan di peringkat tertinggi di Majalah Pilar Bisnis edisi November 2002 sebagai pelatih yang mampu merubah CEO atau Top Eksekutif menjadi Lebih Hebat lagi.

Mario Teguh Golden Way

motivating program:mario teguh the goldenways, metro tv

It is an inspiring and educational event. Focusing on self-motivation, and enlightenment, enlightenment in daily life. Initially, this program aired on Channel O, but because the masses are much interested in this program, Metro Tv raising event with a format that is more spectacular. In terms of the stage, the number of audience in the studio, as well as the latest technology to illustrate the picture of explanation. And host that acts as a moderator of the event.
• content
theme or idea that is developed is the solution to the problem of life which often handcuff us. Focused into a single theme each episode. As the theme of the video above I can see clearly now. Prologue at the beginning of the show hosts as an introduction to the theme that will be provided by Mario . When Mario charge of giving material, the screen also displayed behind the stage as explanatory. Given a question and answer session in each segment. And music at the end of the event.
• At the beginning of the show, or OBB is dominated by blue and yellow gold. Meanings:
* Golden: symbol color glory, success, or outstanding achievement
* Blue: tranquility, good credibility, shade, and wisdom
Both elements serve as the representative color of the above character, vision, mission and objectives of the program.
talent & star

* Mario
Mario Teguh (born in Makassar, March 5, 1956, age 54 years) is a Muslim who became a motivator and consultant from Indonesia. His real name is Sis Maryono True, but when appearing in public, he used the name Mario Teguh. He obtained his Bachelor of Education from the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers’ Training College) in Malang. Mario Teguh had worked at Citibank, then set up Bussiness Effectiveness Consultant, Exnal Corp.. served as CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and Senior Consultant. He also formed komunnitas Mario Teguh Super Club (MTSC).
The year 2010 again won an award from the Indonesian Museum of Records, MURI, as Motivator with up Fans largest in world .Di early 2010, he was selected as one of the 8 figures Changes in 2009 version of the Republika newspaper published in Jakarta. Previously, he brought the show titled Art in O’Channel Business. Then his name more widely known by the public when he brought the show Mario Teguh Golden Ways on Metro TV. At this time Mario Teguh known as one of the most expensive motivator Indonesia.Di in 2003 received an award from the Indonesian Museum of Records, MURI, as the organizer of the seminar’s first car prizes in Indonesia.
Career Experience
• Citibank Indonesia (1983 – 1986) as Head of Sales
• BSB Bank (1986 – 1989) as Manager of Business Development
• Aspac Bank (1990 – 1994) as Vice President of Marketing & Development Organization
• Exnal Corp. Jakarta (1994 – present) as CEO, Senior Consultant, Specialisation: Business Effectiveness Consultant
• Department of Architecture, New Trier West High (high school level) in Chicago, United States, 1975.
• Department of Linguistics and English Language Education, Institute of Teacher Training and Education Malang (S-1).
• Department of International Business, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan.
• Systems Operations Department, Indiana University, USA, 1983 (MBA).
• Becoming a Star (2006)
• One Million Second Chances (2006)
• Life Changer (2009)
• Leadership Golden Ways (2009)
With a myriad of experiences, he managed to become famous motivator in Indonesia.

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

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